How Do Psychopaths Manipulate? Part 3
21 Oct

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  1. Jenna

    It’s so unfortunate that psychopaths can easily create such hostile, abusive environments. I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with this. 🫶🏽 I’ve seen this happen to certain friends and family members and it’s scary how much control people like this can have on someone.

    1. spirit.expanding

      Thank you so much for your kind words Jenna ❤ It is scary how a person can twist our thoughts into a knot. Weirdly this happens quite fast as well. We have to raise awareness and support one another ❤ Much love to you ❤

  2. Ginger

    Interesting and very useful article. There are unfortunately a lot of manipulators in the world, people who can sometimes be close to us. And I feel that this post can really help anyone become aware of the manipulative tactics that such people can employ. Thanks for sharing!

    1. spirit.expanding

      Thank you for your comment Ginger. Yes, there are so many out there and it is important to raise awareness so innocent people do not get hurt unnecessarily. Much love to you and keep on shining ❤

  3. Corrinne

    This is all so accurate! They love to manipulative and sabotage you. Really helpful post. Thank you!

    1. spirit.expanding

      Thank you Corrinne. I appreciate the support ❤️

  4. Domii

    It is interesting reading about psychopaths, I like watching the movies too. Your article covers so many aspects. Thanks for sharing!

    1. spirit.expanding

      Thank you ❤ I used to do the same until I met my ex-boyfriend 😉 ❤

  5. Danoue Goueth

    Thank you for shedding light on these manipulation tactics! Your posts have been incredibly informative.

  6. Ann

    This is really insightful! Sharing real-life experiences makes it easier to understand these tactics. I have a friend dealing with a person like this. Very informative.

    1. Spirit.expanding

      I am glad you found it useful. If your friend needs tips. Feel free to contact me ❤️ Good luck ❤️

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