13 Warning Signs Of A Psychopath, Part 1
07 Oct

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  1. Mo

    Really great article and insights. In many ways some of these cross over with traits of covert narcissism (from my research on that).

    1. spirit.expanding

      Yes indeed, they do have a lot of similarities. Thank you for the support Mo. Much love ❤️

  2. Kindra Redix

    Thank you for sharing your story and testimony. I know it couldn’t have been easy. Everyone needs to know the red flags of a psychopath.

    1. spirit.expanding

      Thank you Kindra. It was not easy. I am happy to share my findings though and I hope they can be helpful to other people as well. Much love ❤️

  3. Corrinne

    I’ve come across a few of them myself! You’re an excellent writer! ❤️ Great post. Super informative.

    1. spirit.expanding

      Thank you so much Corrinne! It makes me so happy to hear your kind words. Much love ❤️

  4. Kelly Krebs

    Wow this post is full of important information about psychopaths. Thank you for sharing your story and the 13 signs you found. Some of these I never would have thought of.

    1. spirit.expanding

      Thank you Kelly! I am glad you found it helpful! Much love ❤️

  5. Danoue

    Oh good to know. This is such a great article.

    1. spirit.expanding

      Thank you Danoue! Much love ❤️

  6. Julie

    This is fascinating! Some of the warning signs I was a bit more familiar with from my own reading and such, but others were new to me. I’m definitely going to keep them in mind going forward.

    Also, I am so sorry that you had to go through that.

    1. spirit.expanding

      Thank you Julie! It was not easy to go through all of that. I am happy I could contribute with some new info. There is more coming. Much love ❤️

  7. Terra

    Wow! I’ve never thought of it this way. I actually have seen this in a person that was incredibly hurtful to me. But always thought it was me. But this is everything they did.

    1. spirit.expanding

      I know. It can be extremely hurtful and its easy to blame ourselves. That is their goal though. There is more to come of their tactics so stay tuned! Much love ❤️

  8. Marian

    Thank you for the insight and your personal experience recognizing the traits and red
    flags in these individuals .

    1. spirit.expanding

      Thank you Marian ❤️ Much love to you ❤️

  9. Olga

    It is an exciting post! I`m afraid of psychopaths, and I’ll try to remember the signs you mentioned in the article.

    1. spirit.expanding

      Thank you ❤️ I really understand your fear! I have been there myself ❤️ Much love to you ❤️

  10. Dominique P

    Such a personal and exciting topic you chose to share with us today. I read it until the end and I’m so deeply touched by your story. Thanks for sharing!

    1. spirit.expanding

      Thank you so much Dominique! ❤️ Much love to you ❤️

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