Mindfulness for Coping With Heavy Emotions
02 Sep

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  1. Christina

    I talk about this on my blog, how to incorporate some calm into your life, through finding simplicity. This is such a great post, and I find meditation and mindfulness very helpful when dealing with stress and anxiety. the hardest part is letting go of the idea that you’re doing it wrong, there is no wrong way! And the expectations we put upon ourselves, well that is terrible. Through my journey of leading a simpler life, I’ve learned that the outside world’s expectations only hinder my happiness, and it is only when I allow myself room to breathe, aka let go, then I feel as though it is simpler.

    1. spirit.expanding

      Hi Christina! You are spot on. Letting go is the key to enjoying life and the present moment more fully. I am very happy to hear that you as well write about this subject. I am heading over to your site to educate myself further <3 Much love to you <3

  2. Lizette A Strait

    Informative and nicely laid out. Gets you thinking.

  3. Otherwise Kate

    A really helpful read, thank you!

    1. spirit.expanding

      Hi Kate! I am happy to hear that the post was helpful <3 Let me know if you need anything <3 Much love to you <3

  4. Esme Slabbert

    We are all different and this is an awesome reminder not to rush into anything. Take time to evaluate the situation, whatever it may be and rather be tactful and work things out than to accuse as this can and to my mind and as you stated not the best way to deal with it. Thanks for sharing your post with us at B&I.

  5. karen

    I started meditating recently and I love it so so much. I can feel the effects already. I still get anxious but it is much better now and I know it will be better the more I practice. Super happy.

    1. spirit.expanding

      Hi Karen! How nice to hear you are meditating and I am glad to hear that it helps <3 Let me know if you need anything <3 Much love to you <3

  6. Corrinne

    Love this! Letting go of expectations and mindfulness, are the things I’m currently working on. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Spirit.expanding

      How nice to hear. Letting go can be really tough. Its an ongoing practice for me in life ❤️ Good luck ❤️

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